1. Christmas is over

2. Getting braces

3. Cousin broke my Smash Toy

4. Grrrr...


WE got a PS3 for Christmas! WE WE WE WE We We We We !!


2 day Im gonna watch ALVIN & THE CHIMPMUNKS. Whoo Hoo.


Later in 2010 which is in weeks I will have braces!!!! So I'm very happy:) but at the same time sad:( , because all the tasty goodies and things will be off limits. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! But the most I'll miss is Carmel:( IM VERRY SADD!!!!!


For Christmas this year Santa Clause brought me a BLUE recording ipod nano!!! But that's not it, from my list that I wanted so badly is GLEE!!! I got the music # 1 and 2! AWESOME! To bad I didn't get the shirt. But now that I got also so much money $$$$$$ I can go to Hot Topic or something to get it. GO GLEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I love GLEE!

I love GLEE!

I love GLEE!

I love GLEE!

I love GLEE!

I love GLEE!

I love GLEE!

I love GLEE!

I love GLEE!

I love GLEE!

I'm sad that GLEE is over :(

The Jack5ons

As u all know Michael Jackson just about 5 months ago passed away. And when he was little he and his brothers came together and made a group called The Jackson Five. So now they have a show with the four of the Jacksons and how their lfe is going after Michael's passing. Im watching so u should 2.


Happy December!


Today I have 2 Christmas tournaments. And we came in tide 2nd place for competative basketball. Pretty cool I think. But this weekend I have like 3 games. I ll b very tired.

An Embarasing Unforgetable Moment!

I was at practice when we were given a water break. I remeber walking past the north bench and putting my stuff there. So when I drank I went over there and saw the same exact water bottle as mine. Problem is that it wasn't my water bottle. Before I could think I was drinking a boys water bottle. EWWWW! THen when my teamate asdked me to come over I finally knew it wasn't mine. If you wanna know what boy I drank it from his name starts with a Z and his last name starts with a R. EWWWWW!