American Idol 2009! Adam Lambert v.s. Kris Allen!

Last night I stayed up watching who would win this years American Idol! They had a special treat that night. Each of the top 13 got to pick their own free song; And the person who sung it would sing it with them. They had Fergie, K.I.S.S., Jason Mraz, Tom Cruise just kidding! And many more...

One of the things that I was cracking up about was when they did the most outstanding female during auditions. And them choices were Chelsea Mrquaz, Some other lady, another ladie and, sarcastic Tatiana Del Toro. An drhe winner goes to Tatiana Del Toro. And guess what she does? They ran out of time and so Ryan Cecrest said they would anounce right after the break so of course Tatiana got her way through the body gaurds and sang to Simon one more time her song. And after that. The lady who auditioned in the bikini sang her song because she was crushed and hurt. So she sang also. And then I started to laugh, because the new lady Cara Diogaurdi comes out and sings on top of the girl. And at the end she goes outrageously high and sings way better than bikini girl. And then shows her in a bikiini. Thats when I crackked up. And bla bla bla. And the winner goes to ...... Kris allen! And aplause screams and many more. I was sorta disapointed but glad. So 50 50 on each. So that was the whole night I stayed up for. The End!!